Hire remote Angular Developers
to facilitate your Business

Best Remote Angular Developers available for hire…

Best Remote Angular Developers for Hire

Being one of the most popular platforms for building web applications, Angular is rather popular among Frontend Developers.

According to the Payscale numbers, Ukraine, one of our sourcing directions is in top-10 countries that possess Angular professionals. Adding the lowest average European salary for such kind developers, Ukraine looks pretty interesting destination to rely on in your business needs.

The decision to hire Remote Angular Developers will open to you numerous advantages. Dealing with Orange Sputnik you get reliable service and quality of Dedicated Remote Engineers, while boring details will be our part of work.

Hire Angular Developer

Why Hire Remote Angular Developers with Orange Sputnik?

Orange Sputnik promotes a modern approach for a remote work in the IT-sector, called Staff Augmentation. In short, we give seven advantages to our clients that want to hire Remote Angular Developers:

  • 400+ CVs of Angular experts database
  • Fast hiring process (reduce time and money spending, especially for small businesses and startups)
  • No need to organize working facilities at your home office
  • Direct control over the Angular Developers without any intermediary
  • Comfortable cooperation conditions (literally zero-time gap for European employers and appropriate level of English of the most of our Remote Developers)
  • Possibility to expand/reduce a team of Remote Angular Developers anytime with minimal footprint
  • Implementation of additional features (working culture specifics, scrum master, project manager) if needed

With Ukraine in the heart

Staying with Ukraine in the heart and having over 10 years of experience in Staff Augmentation, Orange Sputnik creates the most suitable conditions to hire developers for companies relying on IT technology.

Advantages of Staff Augmentation approach during
the Era of Remote

Learn more how Staff Augmentation Services save your costs and provide more flexibility in hiring and retaining Remote Developers during the Era of Remote and COVID-19 pandemic?

Which Angular Developers Skill Set does fit your business needs?

Since Angular is only a framework for frontend web development, those who seek for the specialist, knows all the technical aspects that a needed worker should know.

Among the most common requirements is experience and understanding some of the following programming features:

  • Standards - (ECMAScripts) ES6, ES8, ES2020, ES2022, etc.
  • Fundamentals - HTML, CSS (including SASS, Less, SCSS)
  • Programming languages - Core JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Package managers - NPM, Yarn, Bower
  • Task runners - Grunt, Gulp, Webpack
  • Repositories - Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.
  • Testing programs - Karma, Jasmin, Mocha, Chai
  • Reactive extensions - RxJS
  • Application architecture - API, REST, SOAP, GraphQL, RPC
  • Methodologies - KISS, DRY, SOLID, YAGNI, BDUF

Angular vs other JavaScript Frameworks

There is a lack of direct statistics related to the number of Remote Angular Developer, but there is plenty of partial data. According to LinkedIn, over 260k engineers stated that they could work with JavaScript tools.

While zooming into this broad area (thanks to Indeed.com), the spreading of 5 most popular JS frameworks job postings looks like the following:

Top 5 Java Script Frameworks in Ukraine

Seems there are no doubts spreading inside JavaScript looks like in the table, which means that Angular is among the most necessary and popular programming frameworks. Therefore, finding an appropriate developer from the variety of available and ready to start soon should not be a problem, especially if you assign such a task to our experienced team.

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How much do Angular Developers earn?

Average annual salary of Angular Developer over the world

Since Angular has many versions with respective numeration, including AngularJS as the oldest one, salaries of the specialists may vary.

It seems logical that the newest versions of popular programming platform are usually represented by the lower number of specialists, which turns on a supply-demand mechanism and lead to lower wages for engineers that use older versions.

However it is not really true. Most of developers don't like to work with legacy versions to stop working with outdated technologies and requesting project managers to migrate to the latest, while business prefer more stay with stable working sate of the web applications.

Another clear dependence is on the experience and skills level, where seniors earn more than juniors.

All in all, the most interesting is still the comparison of numbers between countries. See the chart below with the average wages of all Angular Developers among different countries:

Average annual salary of Angular Developer

What is important, there is no direct correlation between the wages and quality of the angular developers. Those numbers are more about the level of life in the countries, and Ukrainian programmers just need a smaller salary to produce qualitative IT products. For European startups, it opens additional possibilities as a planned budget can be reduced for other needs, or the enterprise can better motivate a remote engineer from Ukraine.

Remote Angular Developer salaries

The actual approximate annual wage of $40K doesn’t fully show all the possibilities that business owners and decision makers may meet. Of course, wages also depend on the level of experience, which opens wide possibilities to find the the most affordable option.

You should always remember that information from CV is not a single or final spot in a decision making, and the employer can choose the most appropriate option after in-person intro call with a decision maker while doing own validations including, but not limited to cultural fit with the core values of your company.

So, if you decided to hire Remote Angular Developers with Orange Sputnik, you can rely on the following numbers:

Angular developer salary in Ukraine

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